How much do you know about your organisation’s cyber risk profile?

Find your MVP
Cyber security is a basic necessity for everyone, no matter the budget. And we feel passionately about that. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how little it could cost you to audit your cyber risk posture, and get security plans in place using our MVP method.
Minimum Viable Protection (MVP) does exactly what the name suggests. It is a complete assessment that seeks to lift mid-sized companies to achieve a minimum defensible cyber posture, unique to their organisation's requirements.

Using our tried-and-tested MVP framework, we’ll ensure your reputation stays intact, your revenue streams are secure, and you don’t fall foul of the
New Zealand Privacy regulators.
The MVP approach uses your industry and business type to rapidly assess your cyber security risk profile. We call this your MVP - Minimum Viable Protection. Your MVP is the minimum baseline your company needs to not be considered negligent.
This unique methodology saves our clients thousands by making sure they spend the right amount of money, in the right places. By quantifying your risk level first, we make sure you’re not over-investing and your revenue, reputation and regulatory exposure are protected at the minimum possible cost.
How We Do It
Risk Appetite
Calculating risk appetite is an important first step of risk assessment. How can you know where to start if you don’t know how much risk you are willing to take? This module of MVP looks at how much risk the organization is willing and able to take in pursuit of its strategies and business goals by providing a score based on six key criteria. This will also determine the level of granularity required for a Cyber Posture Assessment.
Cyber Posture
The next module of MVP looks at the overall current cyber posturing of an organization and allows us to find which areas are lacking with our gap analysis. This allows us to assist you with prioritizing your efforts towards the appropriate level of compliance to fit your budget and resources. Information Security compliance frameworks can be daunting, especially if this is all new to you. We’ve done the heavy lifting and simplified them down
Taking the results from your Cyber Posture Assessment, we will create a report and action plan with costings that can be presented at your next board meeting. By performing gap analysis, we can assist you with prioritising your efforts towards the appropriate level of compliance to fit your budget and resources. We will work with you along every step of the way to achieve compliance and ensure that your business is adequately protected.

Try our FREE Risk Appetite Assessment tool!
We’ve turned Phase 1 of the MVP Process into an online app!
Organisations of all shapes and sizes can use this tool to gain some understanding of areas of cyber risk, their current Risk Appetite, and associated scores.
Contact Us
[email protected]
(09) 242 1418
Find Us
82 Symonds Street, Grafton,
Auckland, New Zealand 1010